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The Video Game Page

Space Invaders

Earth is under attack from rows of bomb dropping aliens, and you need to defend it! The rows of aliens begin at the top of the screen, and you control a laser cannon at the bottom of the screen. Your goal is to earn points by shooting the aliens before they can land. The aliens march back and forth, and each time the end of the screen is reached they will drop one row closer to the bottom. Shoot them all, and you move on to the next (tougher) level, but if even one of them lands the game is over. From time to time a flying saucer will pass by along the top of the screen; shoot this to earn extra points. Just above your laser cannon are three shields; these can be used to hide from the alien’s bombs, but will also block your own shots. You begin the game with a limited number of laser cannons, and if all of them are bombed the game ends.

5 – Insert Coin

1 – Start

Ctrl – Shoot

Arrow keys – Move


Maybe you saw Qbert for the first time on Wreck It Ralph, if so I’ll try and fill you in. This game was pretty fair, and fun. The 3d looking levels added to the allure as not much was looking 3d back then. All the ports of Qbert are pretty good that I played: Arcade/Colleco/home console game.
I once got a home console game, about 4xx4x8″ by my parents. It was more game than you’d get from atari 2600, but not as much as arcade. It was really fun. I found it before my birthday though because I was snooping for presents 😛 I was maybe 7 at the time, and I told them about it. They said they’d take it back and get me a new present, so I got all sad. I didn’t know for sure if they were bluffing or they’d give it to me. I got it. I got a really good childhood with my family, so I just look in my adult hood to help everyone else out even if I never get a spouse. I’m so thankful I got to live in a time of video games.

Arrow Keys for Control


Press the on-screen control panel to insert quarters and start a one or two-player game. If you would prefer to use the keyboard (or are in full-screen mode), press 5 to insert quarters, and press 1 or 2 to start a one or two-player game. PLAYER ONE: Use the left and right arrow keys to turn the knight, and either CTRL key to flap.
PLAYER TWO: Use the D and G keys to turn the knight, and the A key to flap.